Heats of solution of gaseous hydrocarbons in water at 15, 25, and 35°C S. F. DecS. J. Gill OriginalPaper Pages: 827 - 836
PVT properties of concentrated aqueous electrolytes. III. Volume changes for mixing the major sea salts at I=1.0 and 3.0 at 25°C Frank J. MilleroLeslie M. ConnaughtonPeter V. Chetirkin OriginalPaper Pages: 837 - 851
The PVT properties of concentrated aqueous electrolytes. IV. Changes in the compressibilities of mixing the major sea salts at 25°C Frank J. MilleroM. Isabel Lampreia OriginalPaper Pages: 853 - 864
Thermodynamic properties of chloro-complexes of silver chloride in aqueous solution James J. Fritz OriginalPaper Pages: 865 - 879
Complex formation of Al2(SO4)3 in water-formamide mixtures A. WalslebenH. Strehlow OriginalPaper Pages: 881 - 890
Hydrophobic nature of sugars as evidenced by their differential affinity for polystyrene gel in aqueous media Masanobu JanadoYuki Yano OriginalPaper Pages: 891 - 902