Densities and compressibilities of aqueous HCl and NaOH from 0 to 45°C. The effect of pressure on the ionization of water J. P. HersheyR. DamescenoF. J. Millero OriginalPaper Pages: 825 - 848
Liquid-vapor equilibrium of dilute aqueous solutions of ethanol and 2-propanol Leif NordEdwin E. TuckerSherril D. Christian OriginalPaper Pages: 849 - 867
Retrieval of interaction coefficients from total vapor pressure-composition data Sherril D. ChristianEdwin E. TuckerLeif Nord OriginalPaper Pages: 869 - 876
Effect of ion-solvation on the internal dynamics of the ethanol molecule as studied using NMRB′coefficients M. Shahid AnsariH. G. Hertz OriginalPaper Pages: 877 - 906