Viscosity, refractive index, and surface tension of multicomponent systems: Mathematical representation and estimation from data for binary systems William E. Acree Jr.Gary L. Bertrand OriginalPaper Pages: 755 - 762
Enthalpies of solution of purine and adenine in water and in dimethylsulfoxide F. I. KanbourJ. K. AhmedG. A. W. Derwish OriginalPaper Pages: 763 - 770
Rate and thermodynamic studies of the interaction between water and iso-butyl cellosolve by ultrasonic methods Sadakatsu NishikawaTakako Uchida OriginalPaper Pages: 771 - 781
Hydration of alcohols in aqueous methanol solutions from ultrasonic velocity measurements Jan AntosiewiczD. Shugar OriginalPaper Pages: 783 - 789
Enthalpies of ionization for 2,3-diphosphoglyceric acid Laura DellaripaLeland P. VickersHarry P. Hopkins Jr. OriginalPaper Pages: 791 - 800
Accurate tracer diffusion coefficients of Na+ and Cl− ions in dilute aqueous sodium chloride solutions measured with the closed capillary method Pentti Passiniemi OriginalPaper Pages: 801 - 813
Effect of pressure and temperature on electrolyte conductance in 2-propanol S. L. WellingtonD. F. Evans OriginalPaper Pages: 815 - 828