Simultaneous flow measurement of specific heats and thermal expansion coefficients of liquids: Aqueoust-BuOH mixtures and neat alkanols and alkanediols at 25°C J. F. AlaryM. A. SimardC. Jolicoeur OriginalPaper Pages: 755 - 776
Thermodynamic and magnetic resonance studies on the hydration of polymers: I. Interactions of water in a synthetic cation-exchange resin M. BuschE. v. Goldammer OriginalPaper Pages: 777 - 791
Volumes of mixing and theP * effect: Part I. Hexane isomers with normal and branched hexadecane Huu Van TraDonald Patterson OriginalPaper Pages: 793 - 805
Volumes of mixing and theP * effect: Part II. Mixtures of alkanes with liquids of different internal pressures Miguel CostasDonald Patterson OriginalPaper Pages: 807 - 821
Vapor-liquid equilibria forn-tetradecane-benzene mixtures at 25 and 50°C R. G. RubioJ. A. R. RenuncioM. Diaz Peña OriginalPaper Pages: 823 - 830