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The Journal of Ethics

An International Philosophical Review

Publishing model:

The Journal of Ethics - Instructions for Book Reviews

A contribution to the book review section of The Journal of Ethics should first and foremost give a balanced and accurate description of the book, based on textual evidence and using (textual) examples. In addition, the contribution can discuss the strengths, weaknesses, and peculiarities of the book in the context of the current philosophical debate. The Journal of Ethics thus allows authors to use a book review for further reflections on a topic. A contribution to the book review section should be between 2000 – 5000 words. 
As the format is quite special (and therefore risky for authors), authors can submit a 500 word abstract to the Editor-in-Chief via email. The abstract will be assessed by the Editors-in-Chief and an Associate Editor. The latter will do a blind review. Upon approval, authors have two months to submit the book review. The book review will undergo a single blind review by the Associate Editor who approved the abstract. All book reviews should start with the details of the book, following The Journal of Ethics style. Contributions for the book review section (including the abstract) must be submitted online. Please follow the normal submission procedure.
