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Journal of Oceanography

edited by The Oceanographic Society of Japan

Publishing model:

Journal of Oceanography - Special Sections in the Journal of Oceanography 

1) It is possible to publish special sections that include papers on specific projects or topics in the Journal of Oceanography. 

2) Contact JO’s Editor-in-Chief and submit your proposal including the followings: 

- The tentative title of the special section and several lines of description 

- The names, affiliations and short CVs of the Guest Editor-in-Chief and Editors of the special section, together with their main research achievements 

- The start and end of the submission period and expected publication date 

- The number of submissions, authors and titles of papers, if possible 

3) The number of the Guest Editors should be kept to the minimum required for the editorial work, taking into account the number of papers and disciplines. In general, 2-3 editors including the Editor-in-Chief would be required for about 10 manuscripts. 

4) JO’s Editor-in-Chief will consult with the other editors and with the Oceanographic Society of Japan’s executive board members to decide whether to accept or reject the proposal. 

5) Springer’s Editorial Manager system will be used for the submission and reviewing processes. The Guest Editor-in-Chief and editors of the special section will be responsible for the basic reviewing process. The Guest editors should not perform the editorial work on manuscripts for which they are authors or co-authors. At least two or three reviewers should review the manuscripts. The quality of the manuscripts is expected to be sufficiently high to be published in the JO. 

6) After the Guest Editor-in-Chief of the special section has accepted a manuscript, the editorial board of the normal issue will review the manuscript and make the final decision. 

7) Accepted papers will be published without delay as Online First with DOI, and the section will be printed as a special section with the page number once all the manuscripts have been accepted or by the deadline of the publication. JO’s Editor-in-Chief will decide on the timing of the publication and the possible combination of the special section with normal papers in a single volume. 

8) If any manuscripts miss the printing deadline, they may be published in a normal volume later with the name of the special section. 

9) If the special section is related to a specific project, and if there are close connections between the manuscripts, guest editorial board members should discuss the content in detail with the authors to avoid overlap. 

10) The publishing process should be explained to the authors before submission. 

11) There is no extra cost for the special section. The listing fee and costs for color pages/extra reprints/open choice for each paper is the same as for papers in the normal sections. Special requests for printing extra copies of the issue may be granted after discussion with Springer. 

Special Sections Procedures (pdf, 114 kB) 
