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Journal of Family and Economic Issues - JFEI in the News

See the latest news featuring articles published in the Journal of Family and Economic Issues!

-Article in TIME on how men and women use parental leave: 
Men and Women Use Parental Leave Differently. They're Judged Differently for It, Too
-Featured JFEI article:
Gender Differences in the Intended Use of Parental Leave: Implications for Human Capital Development

-Article in the Washington Post on how to manage personal finances during a debt ceiling standoff:
Debt ceiling standoff is as much about managing fear as finances
-Featured JFEI article: 
The Relationship Between Financial Worries and Psychological Distress Among U.S. Adults

-Article in Forbes on teaching financial literacy:
Should Schools Teach Financial Literacy Classes?
Featured JFEI article:
The Relationship Between Financial Worries and Psychological Distress Among U.S. Adults

-Article in Today on the cost of unpaid parental leave:
Study confirms what most parents know: The cost of unpaid parental leave is devastating
Featured JFEI article:
Families’ Financial Stress & Well-Being: The Importance of the Economy and Economic Environments

-Article in Harvard Business Review on the link between recessions and physical pain:
Research: The Link Between Recessions and Physical Pain
Featured JFEI article: 
Extreme Financial Strain: Emergent Chores, Gender Inequality and Emotional Distress

-Article in the Atlantic on social comparison in couples: 
The Key to Escaping the Couple-Envy Trap
Featured JFEI article: 
What Happens at Home Does Not Stay at Home: Family-to-Work Conflict and the Link Between Relationship Strains and Quality

-Article in Forbes on the psychology of finance: 
The Psychology Of Finance: How Money Scripts Affect Decisions And Actions Related To Finances
 Featured JFEI article: 
The Link Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Financial Security in Adulthood

