Disrupted cholinergic modulation can underlie abnormal gamma rhythms in schizophrenia and auditory hallucination Jung Hoon Lee OriginalPaper 18 October 2017 Pages: 173 - 187
Synaptic convergence regulates synchronization-dependent spike transfer in feedforward neural networks Pachaya SailamulJaeson JangSe-Bum Paik OriginalPaper Open access 12 September 2017 Pages: 189 - 202
Stimulus-induced transitions between spike-wave discharges and spindles with the modulation of thalamic reticular nucleus Denggui FanQingyun WangHongguang Xi OriginalPaper 22 September 2017 Pages: 203 - 225
A recurrent neural model for proto-object based contour integration and figure-ground segregation Brian HuErnst Niebur OriginalPaper 19 September 2017 Pages: 227 - 242
Spiking resonances in models with the same slow resonant and fast amplifying currents but different subthreshold dynamic properties Horacio G. Rotstein OriginalPaper 24 October 2017 Pages: 243 - 271
Short-term depression and transient memory in sensory cortex Grant GillaryRĂ¼diger von der HeydtErnst Niebur OriginalPaper 13 October 2017 Pages: 273 - 294
A possible correlation between the basal ganglia motor function and the inverse kinematics calculation Armin Salimi-BadrMohammad Mehdi EbadzadehChristian Darlot OriginalPaper 23 October 2017 Pages: 295 - 318