Two Cortical Circuits Control Propagating Waves in Visual Cortex Wenxue WangClay CampaignePhilip S. Ulinski OriginalPaper 28 October 2005 Pages: 263 - 289
Dependence of Visual Cell Properties on Intracortical Synapses Among Hypercolumns: Analysis by a Computer Model Mauro UrsinoGiuseppe-Emiliano La Cara OriginalPaper 28 October 2005 Pages: 291 - 310
Learning-Induced Synchronization and Plasticity of a Developing Neural Network T.-C. ChaoC.-M. Chen OriginalPaper 28 October 2005 Pages: 311 - 324
Generation of Very Slow Neuronal Rhythms and Chaos Near the Hopf Bifurcation in Single Neuron Models Shinji DoiSadatoshi Kumagai OriginalPaper 28 October 2005 Pages: 325 - 356
Modeling the Spontaneous Activity of the Auditory Cortex E. BartS. BaoD. Holcman OriginalPaper 28 October 2005 Pages: 357 - 378
Reduced Model and Simulation of Neuron with Passive Dendritic Cable: An Eigenfunction Expansion Approach Bomje WooDonggyun ShinJinhoon Choi OriginalPaper 28 October 2005 Pages: 379 - 397