Using an Hebbian Learning Rule for Multi-Class SVM Classifiers Thierry ViévilleSylvie Crahay OriginalPaper Pages: 271 - 287
A Nonlinear Model of the Behavior of Simple Cells in Visual Cortex Miguel A. García-Pérez OriginalPaper Pages: 289 - 325
Extracting Information from the Power Spectrum of Synaptic Noise Alain DestexheMichael Rudolph OriginalPaper Pages: 327 - 345
Model of the Early Development of Thalamo-Cortical Connections and Area Patterning via Signaling Molecules Jan KarbowskiG.B. Ermentrout OriginalPaper Pages: 347 - 363
Model for Transition from Waves to Synchrony in the Olfactory Lobe of Limax Bard ErmentroutJing W. WangAlan Gelperin OriginalPaper Pages: 365 - 383