State-Dependent Effects of Na Channel Noise on Neuronal Burst Generation Peter F. RowatRobert C. Elson OriginalPaper Pages: 87 - 112
Effects of the Activity of the Internal Globus Pallidus-Pedunculopontine Loop on the Transmission of the Subthalamic Nucleus-External Globus Pallidus-Pacemaker Oscillatory Activities to the Cortex Arash Hadipour NiktarashGholam Ali Shahidi OriginalPaper Pages: 113 - 127
Optimal Stimulus Coding by Neural Populations Using Rate Codes Don H. JohnsonWill Ray OriginalPaper Pages: 129 - 138
Optimization of Input Patterns and Neuronal Properties to Evoke Motor Neuron Synchronization Anna M. TaylorRoger M. Enoka OriginalPaper Pages: 139 - 157
An Analytical Model for the ‘Large, Fluctuating Synaptic Conductance State’ Typical of Neocortical Neurons In Vivo Hamish MeffinAnthony N. BurkittDavid B. Grayden OriginalPaper Pages: 159 - 175
A Dynamical Model of Fast Cortical Reorganization Marcelo MazzaMarilene de PinhoAntônio C. Roque OriginalPaper Pages: 177 - 201