A Unified Mechanism for Spontaneous-Rate and First-Spike Timing in the Auditory Nerve B. Suresh Krishna OriginalPaper Pages: 71 - 91
States of High Conductance in a Large-Scale Model of the Visual Cortex Michael ShelleyDavid McLaughlinJacob Wielaard OriginalPaper Pages: 93 - 109
Computation by Ensemble Synchronization in Recurrent Networks with Synaptic Depression Alex LoebelMisha Tsodyks OriginalPaper Pages: 111 - 124
Auditory Temporal Computation: Interval Selectivity Based on Post-Inhibitory Rebound Edward W. LargeJohn D. Crawford OriginalPaper Pages: 125 - 142
Modelling Inter-Segmental Coordination of Neuronal Oscillators: Synaptic Mechanisms for Uni-Directional Coupling During Swimming in Xenopus Tadpoles Mark J. TunstallAlan RobertsS.R. Soffe OriginalPaper Pages: 143 - 158