Supervised and Unsupervised Learning with Two Sites of Synaptic Integration Konrad P. KördingPeter König OriginalPaper Pages: 207 - 215
Relationship Between Time- and Frequency-Domain Analyses of Angular Head Movements in the Squirrel Monkey Mehran ArmandLloyd B. Minor OriginalPaper Pages: 217 - 239
Independent Component Analysis of Temporal Sequences Subject to Constraints by Lateral Geniculate Nucleus Inputs Yields All the Three Major Cell Types of the Primary Visual Cortex Botond SzatmáryAndrás Lőrincz OriginalPaper Pages: 241 - 248
Oscillations and Irregular Emission in Networks of Linear Spiking Neurons Gianluigi MongilloDaniel J. Amit OriginalPaper Pages: 249 - 261
Transient Versus Asymptotic Dynamics of CaM Kinase II: Possible Roles of Phosphatase Yoshihisa KubotaJames M. Bower OriginalPaper Pages: 263 - 279