Recovering Quasi-Active Properties of Dendritic Neurons from Dual Potential Recordings Steven J. CoxBoyce E. Griffith OriginalPaper Pages: 95 - 110
Efficient and Accurate Time-Stepping Schemes for Integrate-and-Fire Neuronal Networks Michael J. ShelleyLouis Tao OriginalPaper Pages: 111 - 119
Turning On and Off with Excitation: The Role of Spike-Timing Asynchrony and Synchrony in Sustained Neural Activity Boris S. GutkinCarlo R. LaingG. Bard Ermentrout OriginalPaper Pages: 121 - 134
Noise and the PSTH Response to Current Transients: I. General Theory and Application to the Integrate-and-Fire Neuron A. HerrmannW. Gerstner OriginalPaper Pages: 135 - 151
Neural Coding with Graded Membrane Potential Changes and Spikes Jutta KretzbergAnne-Kathrin WarzechaMartin Egelhaaf OriginalPaper Pages: 153 - 164
Robustness of a Neural Network Model for Differencing Alexander SolodovnikovMichael C. Reed OriginalPaper Pages: 165 - 173
Unsupervised Learning and Adaptation in a Model of Adult Neurogenesis Guillermo A. CecchiLeopoldo T. PetreanuMarcelo O. Magnasco OriginalPaper Pages: 175 - 182
Modeling of Substance P and 5-HT Induced Synaptic Plasticity in the Lamprey Spinal CPG: Consequences for Network Pattern Generation Alexander KozlovJeanette Hellgren KotaleskiAnders Lansner OriginalPaper Pages: 183 - 200