Radiocarbon Dates from the Monumental Architecture at Chavín de Huántar, Perú Silvia Rodriguez KembelHerbert Haas OriginalPaper 12 September 2013 Pages: 345 - 427
Isotopes and Images: Fleshing out Bodies at Çatalhöyük Jessica PearsonLynn Meskell OriginalPaper 22 September 2013 Pages: 461 - 482
Beyond the Ecofact: Toward a Social Paleoethnobotany in Mesoamerica Christopher T. MorehartShanti Morell-Hart OriginalPaper 29 September 2013 Pages: 483 - 511
The Legacies of Indigenous History in Archaeological Thought Todd J. KristensenReade Davis OriginalPaper 20 October 2013 Pages: 512 - 542
Measuring Retouch Intensity in Lithic Tools: A New Proposal Using 3D Scan Data Juan I. MoralesCarlos LorenzoJosep M. Vergès OriginalPaper 20 October 2013 Pages: 543 - 558
Bayesian Estimation Dating of Lithic Surface Collections Javier Fernández-López de PabloC. Michael Barton OriginalPaper 06 December 2013 Pages: 559 - 583
A Recreation of Visual Engagement and the Revelation of World Views in Bronze Age Scotland G. HigginbottomAndrew G. K. SmithP. Tonner OriginalPaper 12 December 2013 Pages: 584 - 645
Toward a “Quantitative Genetic” Approach to Lithic Variation Stephen J. LycettNoreen von Cramon-Taubadel OriginalPaper 14 December 2013 Pages: 646 - 675