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International Journal of Thermophysics

Journal of Thermophysical Properties and Thermophysics and Its Applications

Publishing model:

International Journal of Thermophysics - April 2020 – “first decision” times down to 13 days

In his opening message as new Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Thermophysics, Marc Assael outlined two primary goals: to improve the quality of papers being published in the journal, and to drastically reduce the initial peer review time for submitted articles.  After three months in the role, it is clear that the new measures imposed have already had a significant impact on the second of these targets.  Following the new reviewing guidelines, the average time from submission to first decision for articles submitted in 2020 has been cut to an impressive 13 days.  This represents a truly significant improvement and we would like to offer our thanks to the Senior Editors, Associate Editors, Editorial Board Members and most crucially the journal reviewers for making this possible. 

In parallel, work is being done on a programme of Topical Review articles and Topical Issues which will showcase some of the most cutting-edge research taking place in the field of thermophysics.  The first of these Topical Issues has just been announced, on the subject of Nanoparticle-enhanced Ionic Liquids – see the call for papers here.  We look forward to receiving your submissions.
