Amazonia: A challenge for the future. Introductory remarks E. J. FittkauJ. H. Reichholf EditorialNotes Pages: 5 - 6
Patterns of higher vertebrates distribution in tropical South America Josef Reichholf OriginalPaper Pages: 35 - 40
Flow of nutrients in a large open system: The basis of life in Amazonia E. J. Fittkau OriginalPaper Pages: 41 - 49
History of the Brazilian forests: An inside view José Pedro de Oliveira Costa OriginalPaper Pages: 50 - 56
Conservation of tree genetic resources: The role of protected areas in Amazonia John Davidson OriginalPaper Pages: 62 - 74
Preserved areas in the Brazilian Amazon José Pedro de Oliveira Costa BriefCommunication Pages: 75 - 77