Socioeconomic indicators and the survival of the tropical rainforest of cross river state of Nigeria Matthew E. Eja OriginalPaper Pages: 83 - 92
Dynamics of household energy consumption in a traditional African city, Ibadan Ibidun O. AdelekanAfeikhena T. Jerome OriginalPaper Pages: 99 - 110
Characteristic levels of heavy metals in soil profiles of automobile mechanic waste dumps in Nigeria C. M. A IwegbueN. O. IsirimahE. S. Williams OriginalPaper Pages: 123 - 128
Characteristic levels of heavy metals in sediments and dredged sediments of a municipal creek in the Niger delta, Nigeria Chukwuji M. A. IwegbueG. E. NwajeiN. O. Isirimah OriginalPaper Pages: 129 - 133
Reforming International Environmental Governance. From institutional limits to innovative reforms Udo E. Simonis Book Review Pages: 139 - 140