Evaluation of rainfall erosivity in Bheta Gad catchment, Kumaun Hills of Uttar Pradesh, central Himalayas B. K. RamprasadB. P. KothyariR. K. Pande OriginalPaper Pages: 301 - 308
Effect of aspect on the structure of some natural stands of Abies pindrow in Himalayan moist temperate forest C. M. SharmaN. P. Baduni OriginalPaper Pages: 309 - 317
Preliminary assessment of indoor industrial noise pollution in Kuwait Ali Muhammad KhuraibetFaten Al-Attar OriginalPaper Pages: 319 - 324
A generic comparison of the airborne risks to human health from landfill and incinerator disposal of municipal solid waste Olga BridgesJim W. BridgesJohn F. Potter OriginalPaper Pages: 325 - 334
The terms genetic resource, biological resource, and biodiversity examined Antonio C. Allem OriginalPaper Pages: 335 - 341
Methane emission from rice paddy soils, aerotolerance of methanogens and global thermal warming N. ChakrabortyG. M. SarkarS. C. Lahiri OriginalPaper Pages: 343 - 350