Local and regional air quality impacts of airport operations J. W. S. LonghurstD. W. RaperD. E. Conlan Papers Pages: 83 - 90
Sewage as a resource: a case study of afforestation using sewage irrigation in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India Rajiv K. Sinha Papers Pages: 91 - 94
Environmental perspectives of pupils: the development of an attitude and behaviour scale Franz X. BognerManfred G. Wilhelm Papers Pages: 95 - 110
Competitive biomethanation using substrates in combination and by cross inoculation N. ChakravortyG. M. SarkarS. C. Lahiri Papers Pages: 111 - 115
Assessing and managing the sociocultural impacts of ecotourism: revisiting the Santa Elena rainforest project Stephen WearingLibby Larsen Papers Pages: 117 - 133
The search for the sustainable city in 20th century urban planning A. D. Basiago Papers Pages: 135 - 155
Sustainable development and automation: are they compatible? Satyabrata Pradhan Papers Pages: 157 - 162