Environmental management in the UK: The way ahead for business Conlin RyallTim Pinder Papers Pages: 87 - 91
Hazardous waste sites, stress, and neighborhood quality in USA Michael GreenbergDona SchneiderJennifer Martell Papers Pages: 93 - 105
The declining cocoa economy and the Atlantic Forest of Southern Bahia, Brazil: Conservation attitudes of cocoa planters Keith AlgerMarcellus Caldas Papers Pages: 107 - 119
Environmental justice: Co-evolution of environmental concerns and social justice David J. SarokinJay schulkin Papers Pages: 121 - 129
Preconceptions of students about the natural urban environment in a small Spanish city Pedro MembielaEmilia NogueirasMercedes Suárez Papers Pages: 131 - 138
Biosphere reserves in Germany: A contribution to support sustainable development Hans G. KastenholzKarl-Heinz Erdmann Papers Pages: 139 - 146