Don't go home without it — Cultivating the anti-litter Ethic John F. Potter Editorial Pages: 241 - 243
Integrated waste management via the Natural Laws W. David ConstantLouis J. Thibodeaux Papers Pages: 245 - 253
Women's role in rural water supply and development: Trends and expectations in Nigeria A. Y. Sangodoyin Papers Pages: 255 - 261
Some pitfalls of ‘manstream’ environmental theory and practice Janis Birkeland Papers Pages: 263 - 275
Monitoring and enforcement for management of industrial wastes: case study for Thailand Sow Kim LengWanida SrichaiHarvey F. Ludwig Papers Pages: 277 - 284
The ecological awareness of Bulgarian industrial managers I. T. ChalakovT. KotzevaB. Evlogiev Papers Pages: 285 - 296
Nature conservation with reference to the state of Alagoas, Brazil L. Medeiros De AraujoShahed Power Papers Pages: 297 - 302