International drinking water supply and sanitation decade 1981–1990 Roland C. Clement Guest Editorials Pages: 101 - 107
The decade of the 80s may be a failure without a decisive effort in environmental education Michel Maldague OriginalPaper Pages: 123 - 126
Environmental in-service training: European issues and US comparisons Daniel H. Henning OriginalPaper Pages: 127 - 132
Environmental technological education in a developing country—Libya A. H. WaltersM. GhannoumK. E. Moore OriginalPaper Pages: 133 - 143
Conservation and land drainage — with certain aspects of training and research Allan Blenkharn OriginalPaper Pages: 145 - 156
Secretary-general's message on world environment day (June 5, 1981) News And Comments Pages: 163 - 163
1980 world bank atlas presents data for 184 countries and territories News And Comments Pages: 166 - 167