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Journal of Elasticity

The Physical and Mathematical Science of Solids

Publishing model:

Journal of Elasticity - Forthcoming Special Issue - Pioneering Ideas, Formulations, and Techniques in Modern Continuum Mechanics – In Memory of Jerald Laverne Ericksen

Guest Editors:
Prof. Roger Fosdick, University of Minnesota, USA
Prof. Eliot Fried, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Prof. Chi-Sing Man, University of Kentucky, USA

Submission status: Closed

This Special Issue is dedicated to the memory of Jerald LaVerne Ericksen (1924–2021). His pioneering contributions, to the expansive fundamentals-based program of research on the mechanics of materials that took place during the second half of the 20th century, are unprecedented. His ideas have broadly influenced the growth and understanding of nonlinear material behavior within many fields of continuum mechanics, including rheology, nonlinear elasticity, crystalline elasticity, viscoelasticity, plasticity, liquid crystal physics, and thermomechanics.

Click here to read the Foreword.

Find here the published articles in this Special Issue.
