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Environmental Geochemistry and Health

Official Journal of the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health

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Environmental Geochemistry and Health - Early Career Researcher Best Paper Award

Corresponding authors who are currently students (undergraduate, Masters, Ph.D.) or have defended their MS or Ph.D. thesis within the last 5 years will be eligible for a Best Paper Award. The winner will be selected by the editors-in-chief and board members of the Society of Environmental Geochemistry and Health at the end of each year and will receive a $300 USD cash prize.

2019 Early Career Researcher Best Paper Award

Daniel E. González-Santamaría for his paper coauthored with Jaime Cuevas, Carlos García-Delgado, Aitor Ruiz, Antonio Garralón, Ana I. Ruiz, Raúl Fernández, Enrique Eymar & Raimundo Jiménez-Ballesta:  Impact of a tire fire accident on soil pollution and the use of clay minerals as natural geo-indicators
