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Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology - Call for Papers: Special Issue: COVID-19 and the Brain

Cerebrovascular diseases are frequent in COVID-19 patients, their prevalence increases threefold in severe cases, and there is direct evidence that the SARS-CoV2 virus targets the nervous system. However, most published studies have not focused on the effects of the SARS-CoV2 virus in the brain. 

For this reason, we are calling for papers focused on the molecular and cellular mechanisms of COVID-19 in the brain, as well as clinical reports on the prevalence, impact and treatment of brain disorders associated with COVID-19.  
These contributions will be included in our Special Issue “COVID-19 and the Brain”.  

Articles will be accessible online soon after acceptance. The entire Special Issue will be published in a single printed volume after all contributions are processed. There is no charge for publication in the journal. Springer Nature is working with global organizations to support the sharing of relevant research and data, with further details available here

We hope to receive all contributions no later than July 31st, 2020. Guidelines for manuscripts can be found in CEMN Instructions for Authors. When you submit your paper through CEMN Editorial Manager, please identify your contribution to be part of this Special Issue.
