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Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy - Celebrating 50 years: A 'Golden' Topical Collection

The first issue of Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy (at that time called “Celestial Mechanics”) was published on March 1969. The editorial of the first number of the journal was concluded with these words: “If each of us will contribute a little, not only to celestial mechanics (the field) but also to Celestial Mechanics (the journal), each will benefit and realize some degree of personal satisfaction in knowing that we have helped through our contributions”. That number of 50 years ago included papers by B. Garfinkel, A. Deprit, R. Broucke and many other outstanding authors.

We are celebrating our anniversary through a “golden” topical collection called “50 years of Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy”. This topical collection includes original articles containing results of special relevance in the field and review papers on topical subjects of current importance.

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