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Journal of Business Ethics - Book (and More) Reviews Guidelines

A review proposal may be up to 500 words and should indicate the title and author/creator of the material to be reviewed, a brief statement of why the reviewer believes it is important to the field, and an estimate of and justification for the proposed length of the review. The target length of reviews is between 1,000 words (about the length of a newspaper opinion piece) and 6,000 words (for a comparative analysis of multiple works), though we strongly prefer shorter reviews.

Because an important purpose of a review is to engage others in shared reaction to material, we are particularly receptive to experimenting with a Global Book (and More) Club. A review proposal of this form would include all the elements above, plus a list of people (for example, a group of students, scholars, and/or practitioners) who have agreed to participate in a virtual Club meeting (or series of meetings) and potentially to be publicly quoted in the review and other media. A Book (and More) Club could, for example, read a book, watch a season of a television series, or attend an art exhibition together (or in the same timeframe, if they are in different locations) and then meet virtually to exchange their reactions. The reviewer who submitted the proposal would then be responsible for synthesizing the discussion into a review. Book (and More) Club reviews will be made Free to Access for a period of 8 weeks so they can be shared in their entirety with the public and on social media, etc. 

Proposals for each type of review will generally be collected and considered in batches. From those, we will invite a limited number of conventional review proposals and Book (and More) Club proposals to move forward. Proposals should be sent directly to the Book (and More) Review section editor ( An accepted proposal is not a guarantee that the final review will be published; however, if a proposal is accepted, the review author(s) will be invited on a timeline to be agreed upon to submit a manuscript in Editorial Manager, the journal’s editorial system.
