Is Human Ovulation Concealed? Evidence from Conception Beliefs in a Hunter-Gatherer Society Frank W. Marlowe OriginalPaper Pages: 427 - 432
New Age Eunuchs: Motivation and Rationale for Voluntary Castration Richard J. WassersugSari A. ZelenietzG. Farrell Squire OriginalPaper Pages: 433 - 442
Seeking Help for Erectile Dysfunction After Treatment for Prostate Cancer Leslie R. SchoverRachel T. FouladiPatrick A. Kupelian OriginalPaper Pages: 443 - 454
The Screening Scale for Pedophilic Interests Predicts Recidivism Among Adult Sex Offenders with Child Victims Michael C. SetoGrant T. HarrisHoward E. Barbaree OriginalPaper Pages: 455 - 466
Birth Order in Sex-Offending and Aggressive-Offending Men Sophie I. MacCullochNicola S. GrayMalcolm J. MacCulloch OriginalPaper Pages: 467 - 474
Sexual Consent Behaviors in Same-Sex Relationships Melanie A. BeresEdward HeroldScott B. Maitland OriginalPaper Pages: 475 - 486
Depressive Symptoms Among Hong Kong Adolescents: Relation to Atypical Sexual Feelings and Behaviors, Gender Dissatisfaction, Pubertal Timing, and Family and Peer Relationships T. H. LamSunita M. StewartYouth Sexuality Task Force OriginalPaper Pages: 487 - 496
The Cognitive, Behavioral, and Personality Profiles of a Male Monozygotic Triplet Set Discordant for Sexual Orientation Scott L. HershbergerNancy L. Segal OriginalPaper Pages: 497 - 514
Book Review: The Science of Romance: Secrets of the Sexual Brain. By Nigel Barber. Prometheus Books, Amherst, New York, 2002, 293 pp., $26.00 Amy D. LykinsMarta Meana BookReview Pages: 515 - 516
Book Review: Sex & the Internet: A Guidebook for Clinicians. Edited by Al Cooper. Brunner-Routledge, New York, 2002, 290 pp., $34.95 Brian S. Mustanski BookReview Pages: 516 - 518
Book Review: Getting the Sex You Want: A Woman's Guide to Becoming Proud, Passionate, and Pleased in Bed. By Sandra Leiblum and Judith Sachs. Crown, New York, 2002, 293 pp., $23.95 Jeanne Shaw BookReview Pages: 518 - 520
Book Review: Sexual Addiction: An Integrated Approach. By Aviel Goodman. International Universities Press, Madison, Connecticut, 1998, 464 pp., $65.00 Mark F. Schwartz BookReview Pages: 520 - 520
Book Review: Studs, Tools, and the Family Jewels: Metaphors Men Live By. By Peter F. Murphy. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, Wisconsin, 2001, 167 pp., $19.95 Andreas G. Philaretou BookReview Pages: 520 - 522
Book Review: The Psychodynamics of Gender and Gender Role. Edited by Robert F. Bornstein and Joseph M. Masling. American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, 2002, 297 pp., $49.95 Lori E. Ross BookReview Pages: 522 - 522