Letter to the Editor: Low Test-Retest Reliability Does Not Diminish the Value of Penile Self-Measurement Scott L. Hershberger Letter to the Editor Pages: 91 - 92
Psychological Outcomes and Gender-Related Development in Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Melissa HinesS. Faisal AhmedIeuan A. Hughes OriginalPaper Pages: 93 - 101
Handedness, Sexual Orientation, and Gender-Related Personality Traits in Men and Women Richard A. Lippa OriginalPaper Pages: 103 - 114
Otoacoustic Emissions, Auditory Evoked Potentials, and Traits Related to Sex and Sexual Orientation John C. LoehlinDennis McFadden OriginalPaper Pages: 115 - 127
Interaction of Older Brothers and Sex-Typing in the Prediction of Sexual Orientation in Men Anthony F. Bogaert OriginalPaper Pages: 129 - 134
EEG Responses to Visual Erotic Stimuli in Men with Normal and Paraphilic Interests Rogeria WaismannPeter B. C. FenwickJohn Lumsden OriginalPaper Pages: 135 - 144
An Exploration of Emotional Response to Erotic Stimulation in Men with Premature Ejaculation: Effects of Treatment with Clomipramine David L. RowlandWendi L. TaiA. Koos Slob OriginalPaper Pages: 145 - 153
The Relationship Between Attitudes Towards Menstruation and Sexual Attitudes, Desires, and Behavior in Women John K. RempelBarbara Baumgartner OriginalPaper Pages: 155 - 163
Men's Reports of Nonconsensual Sexual Interactions with Women: Prevalence and Impact Barbara KrahéRenate Scheinberger-OlwigSteffen Bieneck OriginalPaper Pages: 165 - 175
Book Review: The Standards of Care for Gender Identity Disorders (Fifth Version). By Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association. Symposion Publishing Düsseldorf, 1998, 40 pp. Susan J. Bradley BookReview Pages: 177 - 178
Book Review: Handbook for Conducting Research on Human Sexuality. Edited by Michael W. Wiederman and Bernard E. Whitley Jr. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, New Jersey, 2002, 532 pp., $49.95 (paperback), $125.00 (hardcover) Sarah NunninkMarta Meana BookReview Pages: 178 - 179
Book Review: The International Encyclopaedia of Sexuality (3 vols.). Edited by Robert E. Francoeur. Continuum, New York, 1997, 1737 pp., $300.00 Donald J. West BookReview Pages: 179 - 181
Book Review: Estudio Nacional de Comportamiento Sexual: Primeros Análisis, Chile 2000. Edited by Anabella Arredondo, Eduardo Goldstein, María Pía Olivera, Michel Bozon, Michel Giraud, Antoine Messich, Loreto Bravo, and Gabriela Oyarce. Gobierno de Chile, Ministerio de Salud, Comisión Nacional del Sida, Chile, 2000, 305 pp. Miguel A. Muñoz-Laboy BookReview Pages: 181 - 182
Book Review: Sexology in Culture: Labelling Bodies and Desires. Edited by Lucy Bland and Laura Doan. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, 1998, 236 pp., $18.00 Jennifer Harding BookReview Pages: 182 - 184
Book Review: Sexualities and Popular Culture. By Carl B. Holmberg. Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, California, 1998, 297 pp., $69.95 (hardcover), $29.95 (paperback) David Gauntlett BookReview Pages: 184 - 185
Book Review: Perspectives on Human Sexuality. By Anne Bolin and Patricia Whelehan. State University of New York Press, Albany, New York, 1999, 503 pp., $34.95 (paperback), $35.50 (hardcover) Bojan Todosijevic BookReview Pages: 185 - 187
Book Review: Queer Science: The Use and Abuse of Research Into Homosexuality. By Simon LeVay. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1996, 364 pp., $21.95 James C. Woodson BookReview Pages: 187 - 189