Psychological Correlates of Male Child and Adolescent Sexual Experiences with Adults: A Review of the Nonclinical Literature Robert BausermanBruce Rind OriginalPaper Pages: 105 - 141
Anthropometrical Measurements and Androgen Levels in Males, Females, and Hormonally Untreated Female-To-Male Transsexuals Hartmut A. G. BosinskiInge SchröderWolfgang G. Sippell OriginalPaper Pages: 143 - 157
Gender as a Moderator of the Effects of the Love Motive and Relational Context on Sexual Experience Toon W. TarisGün R. Semin OriginalPaper Pages: 159 - 180
Gender Differences in Sexual Interest John D. BaldwinJanice I. Baldwin OriginalPaper Pages: 181 - 210
Ritual Female Genital Surgery Among Ethiopian Jews Nimrod GrisaruSimcha LezerR. H. Belmaker OriginalPaper Pages: 211 - 215