Partner-specific sexual practices among heterosexual men and women with multiple partners: Results from the French national survey, ACSF Antoine MessiahAgnès Pelletier OriginalPaper Pages: 233 - 247
Assessment of sexual beliefs and information in aging couples with sexual dysfunction Serrhel G. Adams Jr.Patricia M. DubbertElizabeth Leermakers OriginalPaper Pages: 249 - 260
Premarital sexual standards among U.S. college students: Comparison with Russian and Japanese students Susan SprecherElaine Hatfield OriginalPaper Pages: 261 - 288
Sexual socialization and motives for intercourse among Norwegian adolescents Bente TræenIngela Lundin Kvalem OriginalPaper Pages: 289 - 302
Transsexualism—General outcome and prognostic factors: A five-year follow-up study of nineteen transsexuals in the process of changing sex Owe BodlundGunnar Kullgren OriginalPaper Pages: 303 - 316
Continued lack of evidence for transmission of human immunodeficiency virus through vaginal intercourse: A reply to Carey and Kalichman Stuart Brody Letter to the Editor Pages: 329 - 337