Lack of evidence for transmission of human immunodeficiency virus through vaginal intercourse Stuart Brody OriginalPaper Pages: 383 - 393
Sexual orientation and performance on sexually dimorphic motor tasks J. A. Y. HallDoreen Kimura OriginalPaper Pages: 395 - 407
Swedish or American heterosexual college youth: Who is more permissive? Martin S. WeinbergIlsa L. LottesFrances M. Shaver OriginalPaper Pages: 409 - 437
Female-to-male transsexualism, heterosexual type: Two cases Robert DickeyJudith Stephens OriginalPaper Pages: 439 - 445
Rapid ejaculation: A review of conceptual, etiological, and treatment issues Guy GrenierE. Sandra Byers OriginalPaper Pages: 447 - 472