Family affiliation and prostitution in a cultural context: Career onsets of Taiwanese prostitutes Charles H. McCaghyCharles Hou OriginalPaper Pages: 251 - 265
Sexual behavior, sexual swelling, and penile evolution in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) A. F. DixsonN. I. Mundy OriginalPaper Pages: 267 - 280
Gay men as victims of nonconsensual sex Ford C. I. HicksonPeter M. DaviesAnthony P. M. Coxon OriginalPaper Pages: 281 - 294
Penile responses of rapists and nonrapists to rape stimuli involving physical violence or humiliation Jean ProulxJocelyn AubutMartine Côté OriginalPaper Pages: 295 - 310
A structural equation model for age at clinical presentation in nonhomosexual male gender dysphorics Ray Blanchard OriginalPaper Pages: 311 - 320
The conditioning of human sexual arousal William O'DonohueJoseph J. Plaud OriginalPaper Pages: 321 - 344
Effects of an oral contraceptive on sexual behavior of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) Ronald D. NadlerJeremy F. DahlDelwood C. Collins Errata Pages: 359 - 359