Gender differences in masturbation and the relation of masturbation experience in preadolescence and/or early adolescence to sexual behavior and sexual adjustment in young adulthood Harold LeitenbergMark J. DetzerDebra Srebnik OriginalPaper Pages: 87 - 98
Effects of antihypertensive drugs atenolol and nifedipine on sexual function in older men: A placebo-controlled, crossover study Diane L. MorrissetteMichael H. SkinnerJulian M. Davidson OriginalPaper Pages: 99 - 109
Patterns of sexuality in a high-risk sample: Results from a survey of new intakes at a county jail Mark T. Temple OriginalPaper Pages: 111 - 129
Ambiguous stimuli: Sex is in the eye of the beholder Cathy Orman CastilleJames H. Geer OriginalPaper Pages: 131 - 143
A factor analysis of the Klein sexual orientation Grid in two disparate samples James D. WeinrichPeter J. SnyderJ. Allen McCutchan OriginalPaper Pages: 157 - 168