Sexual behavior patterns of customers of male street prostitutes Edward V. MorsePatricia M. SimonHoward J. Osofsky OriginalPaper Pages: 347 - 357
The relationship of sexual daydreaming to sexual activity, sexual drive, and sexual attitudes for women across the life-span Frances E. PurifoyAlicia GrodskyLeonard M. Giambra OriginalPaper Pages: 369 - 385
Vibrotactile stimulation enhances sexual response in sexually functional men: A study using concomitant measures of erection David L. RowlandA. Koos Slob OriginalPaper Pages: 387 - 400
Buspirone hydrochloride in the treatment of an atypical paraphilia J. Paul Fedoroff OriginalPaper Pages: 401 - 406