Interim report of the DSM-IV Subcommittee on Gender Identity Disorders Susan J. BradleyRay BlanchardKenneth J. Zucker OriginalPaper Pages: 333 - 343
Are pictures more valid than words in conveying the content of sex in the media?: Studies in North Carolina and New York state Charles Winick OriginalPaper Pages: 345 - 357
Sexual arousal as a function of physiological and cognitive variables in a sexual offender population Gordon C. Nagayama Hall OriginalPaper Pages: 359 - 369
Volunteer bias in a study of male alcoholics' sexual behavior Ted D. NirenbergJohn P. WinczeAnn Begin OriginalPaper Pages: 371 - 379
Sexual practices of heterosexual Asian-American young adults: Implications for risk of HIV infection Susan D. CochranVickie M. MaysLaurie Leung OriginalPaper Pages: 381 - 391
The Play Activity Questionnaire: A parent report measure of children's play preferences Jo-Anne K. FineganG. Alison NiccolsJane E. Hood OriginalPaper Pages: 393 - 408
Anatomic variation of the corpus callosum in persons with gender dysphoria Lee E. EmoryDavid H. WilliamsWalter J. Meyer OriginalPaper Pages: 409 - 417