Voluntary control of male sexual arousal John M. MahoneyDonald S. Strassberg OriginalPaper Pages: 1 - 16
Sexuality and aging in male veterans: A cross-sectional study of interest, ability, and activity Thomas MulliganC. Renee Moss OriginalPaper Pages: 17 - 25
Discriminant analysis of a sexual-functioning inventory with intrafamilial and extrafamilial child molesters Anne E. PawlakJohn R. BouletJohn M. W. Bradford OriginalPaper Pages: 27 - 34
Changes in sexuality in women and men during pregnancy Lennart Y. Bogren OriginalPaper Pages: 35 - 45
Covariation of sexual desire and sexual arousal: The effects of anger and anxiety Alan W. BozmanJ. Gayle Beck OriginalPaper Pages: 47 - 60
Transsexual healing: Medicaid funding of sex reassignment surgery Eric B. Gordon OriginalPaper Pages: 61 - 74
Plethysmography in the assessment and treatment of sexual deviance: An overview Walter T. SimonPeter G. W. Schouten OriginalPaper Pages: 75 - 91