Kinsey revisited, part II: Comparisons of the sexual socialization and sexual behavior of black women over 33 years Gail Elizabeth WyattStefanie Doyle PetersDonald Guthrie OriginalPaper Pages: 289 - 332
A comparison of Nocturnal Penile Tumescence and penile response to erotic stimulation during waking states in comprehensively diagnosed groups of males experiencing erectile difficulties John P. WinczeSudhir BansalMark Malamud OriginalPaper Pages: 333 - 348
The relationship between adult sexual adjustment and childhood experiences regarding exposure to nudity, sleeping in the parental bed, and parental attitudes toward sexuality Robin J. LewisLouis H. Janda OriginalPaper Pages: 349 - 362
Effectiveness of a procedure for disinfecting the vaginal photoplethysmograph contaminated with herpes simplex virus type 2 Patricia J. MorokoffLin S. MyersMichael N. Flora OriginalPaper Pages: 363 - 369
A pavlovian procedure for improving sexual performance of noncopulating male rats Tim R. H. CutmoreEdward Zamble OriginalPaper Pages: 371 - 380