Kinsey revisited, part I: Comparisons of the sexual socialization and sexual behavior of white women over 33 years Gail Elizabeth WyattStefanie Doyle PetersDonald Guthrie OriginalPaper Pages: 201 - 239
Beta-blocker effects on sexual function in normal males Raymond C. RosenJohn B. KostisAlbert W. Jekelis OriginalPaper Pages: 241 - 255
An analysis of experimenter effects on responses to a sex questionnaire Gerald A. WinerDavid MakowskiFather John Collins OriginalPaper Pages: 257 - 263
Hypogonadotropic hypogonadal men respond less well to androgen substitution treatment than hypergonadotropic hypogonadal men Louis Gooren OriginalPaper Pages: 265 - 270
Sexual maturity as a criterion for classification of phallometric stimulus slides A. Kenneth FullerGeorge BarnardHarry Spears OriginalPaper Pages: 271 - 276
Sexual orientation and boyhood gender conformity: Development of the Boyhood Gender Conformity Scale (BGCS) Stewart L. HockenberryRobert E. Billingham Errata Pages: 287 - 287