Sexual interest and behavior in healthy 80- to 102-year-olds Judy G. BretschneiderNorma L. McCoy OriginalPaper Pages: 109 - 129
Male sexual arousal across five modes of erotic stimulation Elise JulienRay Over OriginalPaper Pages: 131 - 143
Self-concept, sexual knowledge and attitudes, and parental support in the sexual adjustment of women with early- and late-onset physical disability Christine B. DeHaanJan L. Wallander OriginalPaper Pages: 145 - 161
Sexual activity and temperament in polish transsexuals Stanislaw Dulko OriginalPaper Pages: 163 - 171
Psychosocial differences between dutch male and female transsexuals A. M. VerschoorJ. Poortinga OriginalPaper Pages: 173 - 178
Correlates of sexual orientation in the German Democratic Republic Rainer Warczok OriginalPaper Pages: 179 - 188
Male homosexuality in contemporary mainland China Fang-fu RuanYung-mei Tsai OriginalPaper Pages: 189 - 199