Defeminization and adult psychological well-being among male homosexuals Joseph Harry OriginalPaper Pages: 1 - 19
Personality traits versus the quality of the marital relationship as the determinant of marital sexuality Josef SchenkHorst PfrangArmin Rausche OriginalPaper Pages: 31 - 42
Operating characteristics of the vaginal photoplethysmograph: Some implications for its use J. Gayle BeckDavid K. SakheimDavid H. Barlow OriginalPaper Pages: 43 - 58
Changes in erectile responsiveness during androgen replacement therapy John BancroftF. C. W. Wu OriginalPaper Pages: 59 - 66
A model of premarital coitus and contraceptive behavior among female adolescents W. M. Strahle OriginalPaper Pages: 67 - 94