The role of nocturnal penile tumescence in differentiating between organic and psychogenic impotence: The first stage of validation Peter MarshallDavid SurridgeNicholas Delva OriginalPaper Pages: 1 - 10
Physical attractiveness: The influence of selected torso parameters T. Horvath OriginalPaper Pages: 21 - 24
Sexual and pituitary-testicular function in torture victims Inge LundeOle Vedel RasmussenJorgen Lindholm OriginalPaper Pages: 25 - 32
Rape fantasies as a function of exposure to violent sexual stimuli Neil M. Malamuth OriginalPaper Pages: 33 - 47
Cognitive correlates of biologic sex and gender identity in transsexualism D. Daniel HuntJohn E. CarrJohn L. Hampson OriginalPaper Pages: 65 - 77
Sexual dimorphism in the activity of olive baboons (Papio cynocephalus anubis) housed in monosexual groups Anthony M. Coelho Jr.Claud A. Bramblett OriginalPaper Pages: 79 - 91