The establishment of core gender identity in normal girls. I. (a) introduction; (b) development of the ego capacity to differentiate James A. Kleeman OriginalPaper Pages: 103 - 116
The establishment of core gender identity in normal girls. II. How meanings are conveyed between parent and child in the first 3 years James A. Kleeman OriginalPaper Pages: 117 - 129
Fetal feminization and female gender identity in the testicular feminizing syndrome of androgen insensitivity Daniel N. MasicaJohn MoneyAnke A. Ehrhardt OriginalPaper Pages: 131 - 142
Prefatory remarks on outcome of sex reassignment in 24 cases of transexualism John Money OriginalPaper Pages: 163 - 165
Diagnosis and treatment of gender identity disorders during childhood Richard Green OriginalPaper Pages: 167 - 173
Maturational variables influencing sexual posturing in infant monkeys Harry F. HarlowLeonard A. Rosenblum OriginalPaper Pages: 175 - 180
Changes in the sexual behavior of adolescents of Czechoslovakia and Germany V. BartákJ. Mellan Translations Pages: 181 - 184
Studies on neurogenic disorders of sexual function in 56 paraplegic men with complete irreversible injuries of the spinal cord or the cauda equina H. WahleK. -A. Jochheim Translations Pages: 184 - 188