Do wealthier households save more? The impact of the demographic factor Ansgar BelkeChristian DregerRichard Ochmann Original Paper 05 March 2014 Pages: 163 - 173
Hysteresis and import penetration with decreasing sunk entry costs Henry Aray Original Paper 13 February 2014 Pages: 175 - 188
Current account and fiscal imbalances in the Eurozone: Siamese twins in an asymmetrical currency union Rosaria Rita CanaleUgo Marani Original Paper 15 February 2014 Pages: 189 - 203
On the twin deficits hypothesis and the import intensity in transition countries Hubert Gabrisch Original Paper 01 March 2014 Pages: 205 - 220
Trade in ideas: outsourcing and knowledge spillovers Sebastian BenzMario LarchMarkus Zimmer Original Paper 13 March 2014 Pages: 221 - 237
The European Union’s immigration policy: a stalled form of the strategy of conflict? Maurizio MistriGabriele Orcalli Original Paper 13 March 2014 Pages: 239 - 256
The impact of financial development on the upgrading of China’s export technical sophistication Yuan FangGuoda GuHongyi Li Original Paper 13 March 2014 Pages: 257 - 280
The price-price Phillips curve in small open economies and monetary unions: theory and empirics Andrea Vaona Original Paper 20 March 2014 Pages: 281 - 307
Trade elasticities in transition countries Almira Buzaushina Original Paper 25 March 2014 Pages: 309 - 335