Determinants of software exports from India Bimal Kishore SahooD. K. Nauriyal Original Paper 28 August 2013 Pages: 455 - 479
Issues of modern macroeconomics: new post-crisis perspectives on the world economy Paul J. J. Welfens Original Paper 01 November 2014 Pages: 481 - 527
The stability of German export demand equations – have German exports suffered from the strength of the euro? Florian Verheyen Original Paper 04 October 2013 Pages: 529 - 548
Volatility spillover between the RBI’s intervention and exchange rate Linkon Mondal Original Paper 05 October 2013 Pages: 549 - 560
Price and income elasticities: evidence from commodity trade between the U.S. and Egypt Mohsen Bahmani-OskooeeAmr Samir Sadek Hosny Original Paper 18 January 2014 Pages: 561 - 574
Nominal rigidity and some new evidence on the New Keynesian theory of the output-inflation tradeoff Rongrong Sun Original Paper 31 January 2014 Pages: 575 - 597
Explaining rising regionalism and failing multilateralism: consensus decision-making and expanding WTO membership Euan MacMillan Original Paper 31 January 2014 Pages: 599 - 617
Affiliates and parent employment through foreign direct investment: a study case of substitutability or complementarity Cesare ImbrianiRosanna PittiglioFilippo Reganati Original Paper 26 June 2014 Pages: 619 - 638