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Journal of Geographical Systems

Spatial Theory, Models, Methods, and Data

Publishing model:

Journal of Geographical Systems - Call for Papers: Special Issue “Arthur Getis: A LEGEND in Geographical Systems”

Guest Editors: 

Alan Murray,
Department of Geography,
University of California at Santa Barbara (UCSB)

Luc Anselin,
Center for Spatial Data Science,
University of Chicago

Sergio Rey,
Department of Geography,
San Diego State University (SDSU)

Aims and Scope:

With the recent passing of Arthur Getis (, JGS invites submissions for a special issue honoring and celebrating his many contributions to geographical systems, regional science, geography, GIScience and spatial analysis. The special issue seeks original contributions that overlap and complement the broad range of research undertaken by Professor Getis over a distinguished career, and life. 

Tentative schedule:

All submissions received: March 31, 2023
All final decisions made: November 1, 2023

Submit a manuscript: 
Papers are to be submitted through the electronic submission system. Please select the submission type “S.I.: Arthur Getis: A LEGEND in GeoSys” from the drop-down menu.
