Is the inversion effect in rhesus monkeys face-specific? L. A. ParrJ. T. WinslowW. D. Hopkins Original Paper Pages: 123 - 129
How monkeys see the eyes: cotton-top tamarins’ reaction to changes in visual attention and action L. R. SantosM. D. Hauser Original Article Pages: 131 - 139
Structural analysis of tool-use by tufted capuchins (Cebus apella) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) G. C. Westergaard Original Article Pages: 141 - 145
Spontaneous logicomathematical constructions by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes, P. paniscus) P. PotìJ. LangerK. E. Brakke Original article Pages: 147 - 156
Spontaneous class grouping behavior by bonobos (Pan paniscus) and common chimpanzees (P. troglodytes) G. SpinozziF. NataleK. E. Brakke Original article Pages: 157 - 170
The role of experience in web-building spiders (Araneidae) A. M. HeilingM. E. Herberstein Original article Pages: 171 - 177