
Topical Collection: Sustainable Development and AI-Powered Economic Transformation


Sustainable development is a concept that has gained significant attention in recent years, as it represents a shift from the traditional focus on economic growth to a more holistic approach that considers environmental and social factors. Sustainable development encompasses the interconnectedness of the economy, society, and the environment, often referred to as the three pillars of sustainability (Mitoula & Papavasileiou, 2023). This approach emphasizes the need to balance economic progress with environmental protection and social well-being, aiming to achieve development goals while maintaining the integrity and balance of ecological and social systems (Duong & Flaherty, 2022). Furthermore, sustainable development is not limited to a specific geographical scale, as it is relevant at the local, national, and global levels (Hindi & Frenkel, 2022).

In the context of economic transformation, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a significant driver of change. AI-powered economic transformation is seen as a means to achieve sustained and sustainable economic growth. The application of AI in economic development is viewed as a catalyst for structural change, which is essential for long-term sustainable growth. Additionally, the role of AI in promoting sustainable competitiveness and green economic recovery has been highlighted, emphasizing the importance of leveraging technological advancements for environmental and economic sustainability (Kuete & Asongu, 2022).

Moreover, the relationship between sustainable development and economic growth has been the subject of extensive research. It has been recognized that sustainable development aims to organize human activities to achieve specific development goals while ensuring the integrity and balance of ecological and social systems. This highlights the interconnectedness of economic growth and sustainable development, emphasizing the need to align economic progress with environmental and social considerations.

Furthermore, the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in driving sustainable development has been widely acknowledged in the literature. Social entrepreneurs are recognized as pivotal actors in catalyzing innovation to create scalable, sustainable, and system-changing solutions that contribute to social wealth and sustainable economic development (Carayannis et al., 2012). This underscores the significance of innovative approaches in addressing societal and environmental challenges while promoting economic growth. Furthermore, the collaboration between universities, government, and industries has been identified as a promoter of local sustainable economic development, highlighting the importance of multi-stakeholder partnerships in advancing sustainable development goals (Endris & Kassegn, 2022).

Scope and Significance

This collection aims to explore the transformative role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and soft computing in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in emerging economies. It aligns with the journal's focus on economic and policy aspects of transitional and emerging economies, particularly under the themes of economic change and restructuring. Integrating AI and soft computing in addressing global challenges presents a critical opportunity for reshaping economic policies and industrial development and fostering sustainable, inclusive growth.

Economic Change and Restructuring has consistently emphasized the importance of innovative economic analysis and policy-making in global economic transitions. This collection extends this focus by examining how cutting-edge technologies like AI can be leveraged to address complex challenges and facilitate economic transformation aligned with the SDGs, thereby contributing to the journal's discourse on economic reform, liberalization, and the role of emerging global players.

The significance of this theme lies in its intersection of AI technologies with sustainable economic development – a critical nexus for contemporary economic research and policy formulation. By focusing on AI-driven solutions to global challenges such as climate change, sustainable agriculture, and smart city development, the issue will provide a platform for discussing the role of AI in fostering environmentally sustainable and economically viable growth in emerging economies.

Scope and List of Topics for Discussion

This collection welcomes theoretical and empirical contributions that may focus on topics related, but not limited to:

- AI in Climate Change Mitigation: Models and Applications in Emerging Economies.

- Sustainable Agriculture through AI: Enhancing Food Security and Agricultural Practices.

- AI and Renewable Energy: Strategies for Sustainable Energy Management.

- AI-driven Policy Making for Sustainable Economic Development.

- Soft Computing in Environmental Policy: Case Studies from Transitional Economies.

- Role of AI in Sustainable Urban Planning and Smart Cities Development.

- AI and Water Resource Management: Addressing Water Scarcity.

- Ethical Implications of AI in Economic Decision-Making for Sustainable Development.

- AI in Education and Skills Development for Sustainable Economic Growth.

- Public-Private Partnerships in AI for Sustainable Economic Transformation.

- AI and Healthcare: Improving Access and Quality in Developing Nations.

- AI in Transportation: Towards Sustainable and Efficient Systems.

- Economic Impact Analysis of AI Adoption in Emerging Markets.

- Bridging the Digital Divide: AI and Inclusive Growth in Transitional Economies.

-AI, Soft Computing, and the Future of Work in Developing Countries.


Submission Start Date: March 1, 2024

Submission Deadline: November 30, 2024


Carayannis, E., Barth, T., & Campbell, D. (2012). The quintuple helix innovation model: global warming as a challenge and driver for innovation. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 1(1), 2.

Duong, Q. and Flaherty, E. (2022). Does growth reduce poverty? The mediating role of carbon emissions and income inequality. Economic Change and Restructuring, 56(5), 3309-3334.

Endris, E. and Kassegn, A. (2022). The role of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to the sustainable development of sub-Saharan Africa and its challenges: a systematic review of evidence from Ethiopia. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 11(1).

Hindi, T. and Frenkel, A. (2022). The contribution of collaboration to the development of sustainable innovation in high-tech companies. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 11(1).

Kuete, Y. and Asongu, S. (2022). Infrastructure development as a prerequisite for structural change in Africa. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 14(2), 1386-1412.

Mitoula, R. and Papavasileiou, A. (2023). Mega infrastructure projects and their contribution to sustainable development: the case of the Athens metro. Economic Change and Restructuring, 56(3), 1943-1969.


  • Elias Carayannis

    Prof. Elias G. Carayannis is a leading expert in science, technology, and innovation. Dr. Carayannis is a Professor at George Washington University and co-directs a research institute focused on these fields. His work explores partnerships between governments, universities, and businesses to drive innovation, economic development, and technology transfer. Dr. Carayannis has published extensively in academic journals and authored over 20 books on these topics.


  • Stavros Sindakis

    Dr. Stavros Sindakis is educator, advisor, and mentor specializing in business innovation, entrepreneurship, and product design. He has taught at various institutions worldwide, including the Hellenic Open University and universities in China, UAE, UK, and US. With a Ph.D. in Strategy, Enterprise, and Innovation from the University of Portsmouth, he is also a researcher and author. His works, such as “Entrepreneurial Rise in the Middle East and North Africa” and “Global Opportunities for Entrepreneurial Growth,” offer deep insights into entrepreneurship and innovation.


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