
Special Issue on "Supply Chain Automation"

Supply chain (SC) management is undergoing a significant transformation that is primarily driven by advances in digital technologies. In particular, by integrating diverse technologies, higher automation levels can be achieved, leading to improvements from different perspectives such as efficiency, responsiveness, resilience, and sustainability along the supply chain. Recognizing the importance of these developments, we are pleased to announce a special issue on supply chain automation (SCA). After Electronic Markets’ last special issue on supply chain management (Prockl et al. 2017), this special issue seeks contributions from researchers and academics to share their latest research results and to set a new research agenda on SCA.

This call of papers does not seek research on physical automation, such as the use of physical robots in warehousing or the implementation of self-guided vehicles in last-mile delivery. Instead, it aims to collect original papers that investigate software-based systems that automate repetitive tasks previously performed by humans along the supply chain and digital systems that augment human decision-making and streamline the plan, source, make, deliver, enable, and return processes in the supply chain. For example, SCA can be enabled by Internet of Things (IoT) sensors and other automated data collection tools, artificial intelligence (AI), robotic process automation (RPA), digital platforms, digital twins, office automation and advanced software and data analytics, only to name a few. Especially, AI (e.g., Toorajipour et al. 2020) and RPA (e.g., Flechsig et al. 2022) can automate key supply chain functions.

In addition, the special issue is looking for research that addresses the potential of new digital technologies in advancing collaboration and automating information flows among supply chain actors as well as papers on innovative applications of digital platform technology, not only in upstream and downstream supply chains but also in transportation and reverse logistics. Multi-sided digital platforms (e.g., Abdelkafi et al. 2019) exhibit a high potential in automating transactions and execution among the supply chain actors. They can streamline processes and improve collaboration. For example, supplier platforms, which are digital hubs that connect organizations with their suppliers, can facilitate automated order management and inventory control. Other types of digital platforms such as transportation marketplaces, e.g., in road freight transport management (Heinbach et al. 2022), provide a matching platform for fleet owners to automatically respond to shippers’ demand and for leveraging new concepts such as crowd shipping. The integration of digital platforms with technologies such as RPA or AI can lead to unprecedented applications in SCA. Furthermore, cloud-based platforms (e.g., Ivanov et al., 2022) facilitate seamless collaboration, enabling supply chain actors to coordinate activities, share information and optimize processes in real-time. Finally, supply chain digital twins supported by Industry 4.0 technologies may mimic physical supply chain assets and processes while enabling real-time monitoring, analysis, and control (Ivanov and Dolgui, 2021), thus making it possible to increase SCA levels.

Key Words:

Supply chain automation, Digital platforms and technologies, Automated supply chain execution, Big data and data analytics, Artificial intelligence and Robotic process automation, Supply chain digital twins

Submission deadline: June 30, 2024

Please find references and additional information on this webpage.


  • Giovanni Miragliotta

    Giovanni Miragliotta, PhD, is Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. He is senior director at, a 100+ full time researchers group focusing on digital enabled business innovation and co-director of two applied research centres (, He worked with over 100 companies in the areas of operations excellence, digital innovation and business model redesign. His current research is focused on digital supply chains, manufacturing platforms, digital enabled innovation and new skills. He has published over 100 international papers (30 of which are Scopus indexed, H-factor=14).

  • Nizar Abdelkafi

    Nizar Abdelkafi ( is associate professor at Politecnico di Milano. Before, he was head of the research unit “Business Models: Engineering and Innovation” at Fraunhofer IMW (International Management and Knowledge Economy) and senior researcher at the University of Leipzig. He was guest editor of the special issue “Multi-sided Platforms” of Electronic Markets. His particular interest is supply chain automation and innovation, and digital business models. He has published three books, several international journal articles and over 50 conference papers and book chapters (36 Scopus-indexed articles, H-index=13).

  • George Q. Huang

    George Q. Huang ( is Chair Professor of Smart Manufacturing at Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He conducted research projects in areas of Smart Manufacturing, Logistics, and Construction Systems Analytics through IoT-enabled Cyber-Physical Internet with substantial government and industrial grants. He collaborated with industries through joint projects and start-up companies. He serves as associate editor and editorial member for several international journals. He is Chartered Engineer (CEng), Fellow of ASME, CILT, HKIE, IET and IISE, and Senior Member of IEEE.

  • Andrea Patrucco

    Andrea Patrucco ( is Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management at the Florida International University, Miami, USA. His research focuses on supplier relationship management in private and public sectors. He has published over 40 articles in supply chain management and public administration journals. He is Associate Editor for the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, and he sits on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Supply Chain Management, the Int. Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, the Int. Journal of Operations and Productions Management, and the Int. Journal of Logistics.


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